Security vs. people with disabilitys

Seite in deutscher Sprache

Flight attendants, security and staff at airports

Fly an L-39 Albatros fighter jet yourself - even if you have a handicap!
Security checks before flying? Important! Require more knowledge and empathy for people with a handicap. S.Stoltze landed after a flight with the L-39 fighter jet.

Our analysis of the security checks at airports in many countries, such as Mexico, Cayman Islands, USA, Morocco, France, Monaco and others, show that in most countries checks are carried out carefully but with great consideration for a handicap.

The accompanying flight personnel and the key employees at the respective airport who transport people in wheelchairs also appear to us subjectively better trained than many employees in Germany.

Benefit with our DIVEREX team from our expertise from the numerous experiences in air traffic and increase the safety and satisfaction of your guests.

The DIVEREX security experts with the Pan Am team in Berlin, Germany
The DIVEREX experts with the Pan Am team in Berlin, Germany

Coaching for security checks at events and public figures

DIVEREX team in the Saxon State Chancellery in Dresden.
The DIVEREX team in the Saxon State Chancellery in Dresden with Prime Minister Kretschmer.

Inadequate security controls for people with disabilities due to uncertainty and ignorance on the part of the executing security staff are not the exception, but the rule!

Visits to the Seeheimer Kreis, the Saxon Prime Minister Kretschmer or the Federal President Steinmeier revealed security gaps to us which we could significantly minimize through targeted coaching of the security staff.

Efficient controls require people with a handicap, such as B. a walking disability, only a little extra time but a lot of empathy, respect for people and more knowledge.

Meeting with Johannes Kahrs from the 'Seeheimer Kreis' in Berlin, Germany
Meeting with Johannes Kahrs from the ‚Seeheimer Kreis‘ – House of the Parliamentary Society

Our offer for more security for your customers and guests.

Our team of experts advises and coaches your security and service staff competently in questions of how to better deal with disabled people and recognizes the associated possible deficits in the case of necessary controls.

We are aware that 100% security can never be guaranteed!

With more background knowledge and our practical tests with your staff, you make an important contribution to minimizing the existing risk.


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